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May 20, 2019 at 8:44:22 PM
Update: The online store will open back up tomorrow afternoon.
**Due to the upcoming holiday weekend, any products ordered Thursday afternoon and over the weekend will ship out the following Tuesday**
Important dates to keep in mind:
-May 23rd-Unofficial Points will be released- players will have one week to question any discrepancies.
-May 30th-Official points will be released
- June 15th- TCL Cowboys cornhole tournament at the Star in Frisco
-June 21st-22nd- Conference Championship- Abilene,TX
-July 13th- Top 60 draft / Big Money A singles/Big Money B Doubles tournament- details to come.
-August 2nd-3rd- Top 60 tournament PK Lake
Season X Kickoff tourney- August 16th
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