Registration with Tier Status
Singles Events - Tier status at time of registration
Doubles Events - Tier status at time both players are registered and joined on same team

​How To Sign Up
Download Scoreholio App on your smart device​
Create an account
Edit Profile so Display name is first and last name
Click on event link to register and pay from SMART DEVICE
All signature series events require advance registration and payment to be completed the Tuesday before the event by sept 6th.
No late registration or day of registration.
No refunds for registration after sept 1st 12:01 am on the Monday before the event.
Please refer to tcl player guide for tcl event rules
Hotel Links

MCM Elegante Hotel & Suites - $119.00-$149.00/n
✨ Booking Instructions ✨
When you click the link, you’ll see an option to enter your preferred dates. If you’re booking Thursday–Saturday, don’t enter dates manually. Instead, click "Book Now" to ensure you’re selecting the correct nights for your stay. This will bypass any issues with available dates.